Let yourself be captivated by the explosion of colors and the sweet fragrance of our charming bouquet of roses of different colors, adorned with delicate baby sighs!
This exquisite floral arrangement is a celebration of the diversity and beauty of nature. Roses, in a variety of shades ranging from soft pastel to vibrant and bold, intertwine to create a symphony of color that will delight the senses and brighten any space.
Among the roses, the small and ethereal baby sighs spee out, adding an additional delicacy and a touch of lightness to this beautiful floral set. The soft texture and soft tone of baby sighs perfectly complement the exuberance and vivacity of the roses, creating a visually charming harmony.
In addition, for an additional price, you can add a ribbon bow with a pearl brooch, which will add a touch of elegance and sophistication to the bouquet, making it an even more special and memorable gift.
Whether to celebrate a birthday, send good wishes or simply to express love and gratitude, this bouquet of roses of different colors with baby sighs is the perfect gift that will transmit joy and tenderness to whoever receives it