Bouquet Butterflies


Elegant bouquet of 25 carefully selected roses with 3 butterflies that give it a delicate and elegant touch.


Immerse yourself in the delicate elegance of our charming bouquet of 25 roses. Each rose, carefully selected for its beauty and freshness, is combined to create a visual spectacle that will captivate whoever receives it.

The soft aroma of the roses will envelop the atmosphere, while their bright colors will illuminate any space with a touch of joy and romance.

To add an additional touch of grace, we have included three butterflies that dance among the roses, adding a touch of charm and fantasy to this exquisite floral arrangement.

Whether to express love, friendship or gratitude, this bouquet of 25 roses is the perfect gift for any special occasion. Let our flowers convey your most sincere feelings with each petal and each wing that unfolds in this beautiful set.


25, 50, 100